Tom North
My Daily Practice:
Choosing Loving Curiosity,
Kindness and Compassion
for All over Justice.
My Vision: A million Great Guys and Gals gathered at the Washington Mall to celebrate the inauguration of a Great new President dedicated to Making America GOOD Again.
Tom Founded Great Guys
With a simple wish and desire to share:
If only I knew then what I know now.
I began my journey back to alive, happy, and whole over 10 years ago. It began when my spouse encouraged me to consider a men's group called Breakthrough. This began a journey to becoming good with myself. To feeling great about myself and being great in how I am with others. But first, I had a lot of false beliefs to unlearn that had constantly sabotaged my happiness.
I have had many, many setbacks (trauma, betrayal, broken commitments, opportunity lost, divorce, bankruptcy, laid off and fired) and caused a few myself, too. And, I have had many Angels show up just when I need them to. I am grateful to be where I am today with an evidence-based belief that good happens centered right here on the central coast of California just like the Dali Lama predicted.
Previously, I was a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, executive and executive coach. An inventor, I hold patent #52585695. I am a silicon valley turn-around C.E.O., instrument-rated private pilot and an elite athlete. I completed 4 international triathlons and dozens of 10ks and several centuries. I can be found still skiing black diamond groomers in the winter and slalom waterskiing summers.
I am a BSEE and MBA from Stanford University.
I am a father with an adult son, Matt, adult daughter, Megan and son-in-law, Ben and four absolutely delightful grandkids.
“I have a unwavering belief in inherent goodness.
Our challenge is getting back in touch with it
and, then, never letting go.”
— Tom