Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
- Michelangelo
Rite Of Passage
There are cultures where the wisdom of their elders is passed to boys in a rite of passage into manhood. Our culture separates the elderly into homes to pass away. A rite of passage isn't just a ceremony. More than that it's a transition from an immature view of the world where imagined and real danger are equal to a mature view where danger that is real is managed appropriately.
Founding Principles
Good Happens
Just what I need for joyful integrity shows up just when I need it.
Inherent Goodness
My inherent goodness within, my greatness, connects me with all others.
All in This Together.
I am here to play my part serving the world’s unique hunger with my unique gifts.
Own Your Part
The last step in empowering your life and the first step in empowering your relationships is owning your part to end the blame game.
Unearned Love
Love is abundant. A gift unearned. We are all connected by love. All in love.
Love universally. No They. Just We.
Self-love starts with self-like: eliminating disparaging self-talk.
We were born innocent. Life happened. We acted selfishly. Reclaim your innocence.
UnHappy No More
The male role programs many for unhappiness in order to succeed.
Be Happy
With Yourself
Accept your circumstances.
Circumstances don’t define us.
Then do what you can to better them
Love Universally
There is no they. Just WE!
Love is Abundant.
It Connects Us ALL.
It’s a gift. Give generously.
Smile, Laugh, Play
Come Alive.
Goodness Attracts Joy
I experience your goodness.
I experience what’s good in you as an invitation to connect.
What if Nothing Is Wrong
Look for what is right. There is an infinite source of joys. Only a few sources of unhappiness.
Leap of Faith
Leaving the past behind.
And its protectors.
Jump when your intuition tells you to.
Great Relationships
work, romance, friendship have:
love, like, passion, trust, & service.
This includes you with you!
Happiness finds you.
When you: Pursue unHappiness
And UnLearn False Beliefs
Love happens in you.
Which attracts Joy.
Longing is not Loving
Is my agenda about me: what’s in it for me. Or, about you.