To program a computer we need a language. A language that means the same to the computer as it does to the programmer. Our beliefs were learned by experience when growing up. They became our programming. Many of those beliefs are false. We confuse happy and joy, love, loving and longing.
We program our beliefs with our self-talk. In order to unlearn and relearn beliefs that aren’t working for us, are sabotaging our success, we need to use language that is precise. Joy, the emotion we feel circumstantially, comes and goes. It isn’t happy, the enduring state of mind we have when we know ourselves to be good. Love isn’t the longing we felt from the conditional loving we experienced growing up. Our ability to love is limited by our longing until we learn to love our self. Then, love is a gift we have for others rather than a craving of the gift of loving from another.
We don’t love what we do, or have. We like. We don’t love this or that about you. We like it.
I am not happy to see you. Seeing you doesn’t make me happy. I am happy, and I make up the story that seeing you brings me joy. It’s a story I like very much.