Inside Every Good Man
is a Great Guy!
At Great Guys, men learn how to
fulfill their full potential.
Great Guys empowers men to:
help good happen
and practice empowered over powerless and powerful
Great Guys:
set themselves free from the patriarchal male role model, past missteps, misfortunes, and wounded pride
reconnect with their goodness within
shed the grip of fear, guilt, shame, sorrow, and doubt
A fulfilled life is about relationships with
loved ones, family, friends, work mates, the work, environment, spirit and,
most importantly, Self.
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
- Michelangelo
Men’s path to happiness and fulfillment
starts with connection,
the camaraderie that only other men can provide.
There are many ways to feel happy, and
One to be happy.
Choose to be happy with yourself!
What if Love Is:
Connecting my Great Guy with yours?
Innocent Again
Relieved, released from the grip of
Guilt, Fear, Anger, Shame and Sorrow.
When your Adult is
weak, powerless
And can't be trusted,
Guilt, Fear, Anger, Shame and Sorrow
take charge.