Writing Tickets to Unenforceable Rules - Dr. Frederic Luskin

When feeling powerless, I can't think straight. It's not just I don't think straight. It's that I can't think straight when coming from my wounded story.


  • My Partner Has to Be Faithful

  • People Must Not Lie to Me

  • Life Should Be Fair

  • People Have to Treat Me with Kindness or Care in the Way I Want

  • My Life Has to Be Easy

  • My Past Should Have Been Different Than It Was

  • My Parents Should Have Treated Me Better

Fred Luskin in Forgive for Good suggests:


  1. Recognize that you feel hurt , angry , alienated , depressed , or hopeless .

  2. Acknowledge that your feelings may be from memories of the past but that you experience the feelings in the present .

  3. Remind yourself that you feel bad because you are trying to enforce an unenforceable rule .

  4. Assert your willingness to challenge your unenforceable rule .

  5. Find your unenforceable rule by asking yourself the following question : “ What experiences in my life am I thinking of right now that I am demanding to be different ? ”

  6. In your mind change from demanding you get what you want to hoping you get what you want . Notice that when you wish or hope things be the way you want , then you think more clearly and feel more peaceful .


How Happiness Can Help You Through Hard Times - Robert Emmons