EQ Powered Mature Men
In Self-Love Make:
Great Decisions,
Great Lives,
Great Mates.
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
- Michelangelo
Inside Every Good Man
is a Great Guy!
Great guys are empowered men who help Good Happen. Great Guys is where these empowered men gather to make greater Good Happen. Being Good and doing Good, we feel Good. When we don't feel Good, great guys help each other's journeys to reconnect with our inherent goodness shedding fear, doubt, shame, sorrow, and guilt.
For Men the Path to Happiness
Can Be Confusing
Men weren’t trained to be happy. We were trained to compete, to win what we want. Unhappily, as providers, there is an infinite want to desire and limited ability to win it. Thinking less unhappy = being happier, we learned to settle. Settle for NOT ENOUGH.
What’s ‘UR Enough?
Alive enough?
Man enough?
Happy enough?
Good enough?
Love enough?
A 2021 study shows that perceived well being (happiness) is proportional to being and having enough. Finding our enough takes us from longing and grieving to loving and alive. From unhappy, living well and loving good, to happy, loving well and living good.
The Good in Me Sees The Good in You.
Your inherent goodness attracts mine.
Unearned: Just because we are.
We connect. In love.
Love Well
Empowered means living a moral life and having abundant personal power to share with others to uplift them.
Do Good
Being Good, we treat others, all others, humanely, honoring their humanity, their right to their feelings and desires. We are all in this together.
Be Good
The journey from powerless to powerful to finally empowered takes us from grieving our unfair past to being a rational loving adult. Innocent again. Relieved, released from the grip of Guilt, Fear, Anger, Shame and Sorrow.
Live Good
Growing Up
However, at times triggers from the past bring out the Hero, Martyr or Zilla we adopted when powerless to combat uncertainty, not belonging, not mattering, feeling unsafe or not enough. Powerless no more, we call moving from Martyr/Hero/Zilla to adult from righteous indignation to living good: Growing Up
Just what we want shows up just when we need it to. Improbably, as if by magic.
At first, we discount it as a strange coincidence. But then, when it happens again,:
“That was Good! Maybe something special is happening. Maybe I’m special!” It’s what draws us onto the path to abandoning ill-will in favor of innocence.
Good Happens
Within each of us is the ability under duress to act amorally or even immorally to protect ourselves and our loved ones for genetic preservation, as it always has been.
Good Men Do Bad Things
Domestic Violence for many is a cycle passed from one generation to the next. Break the cycle.